
Historical Zhengzhou and Modern Los Angeles

      In China we have many cities have long history as Beijing, Xian,  Kaifeng and so on. But in America have more modern cities like NYC, Chicago, and LA. So here has a lot difference coming out. It like culture, life style, buildings, weather and geology.
     Zhengzhou is capital of Henan Province. It located in center of China. We are next to Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi, Hubei, Shan xi, and Anhui. The Yellow River runs through my hometown Henan. Our province is the 3rd population amount in China that number is 1.3 billion. So our capital city Zhengzhou feels sooo crowed, The traffic like the hell. On other hand, our public transportation more busy than other city in China. The Two main railways in China called Jingguang and Jingjiu railway all  cross at Zhengzhou. So the Zhengzhou has more important location in China. 
     And in my opinion, Los Angeles is totally different from my hometown. Los Angeles is the city next to the Pacific Ocean, therefore its major transportation in business is by ships. However, in the city of Los Angeles, people own their own cars and bring more traffic. But fortunately, Los Angeles does not have as large population as Zhengzhou does. Cities are spread out but still center in Downtown, and people's houses are spread either. 
     In conclusion, I feel really comfortable and peaceful staying these two cities. However, I ought to say that they are so different. But whatever they are the same or not, I enjoy my life as I enjoy their beauty. 

